Military & Veteran Programs

Professional Tutors of America is a veteran owned company and has 40 years of experience in providing academic services to a wide range of learners. The following services are offered to Military, Veterans, and their families:
Customized One-to-One Academic Tutoring Program
All subjects and levels offered by professionals
Direct to client’s home – nationwide
Convenient scheduling, 7 days a week
Discounted rates for Military, Veterans and their families
G.I. Bill covers tutoring cost for eligible veterans*
FREE Tutoring Assistance for Qualified Children
Children of the following groups can receive free academic tutoring assistance
Fallen Service Members of Iraq and Afghanistan wars: Children of Fallen Soldiers
Deployed National Guards and Reservists**
Wounded Warriors of OEF/OIF with at least 30% service connected disability**\
Career Coaching Program
Career specialists provide guidance, resources and overall support
Provide personal coaching on resume writing, interview skills, job search strategies, financial literacy, life skills, and ensuring success in the workplace
Wounded Warriors
Wounded Warriors face unparalleled challenges in transition to civilian life. We understand their unique needs and are committed to assisting them for their successful integration in higher education and career field. We provide customized academic tutoring and career coaching service to help them effectively attaining knowledge and skills necessary to achieve their academic and professional goals.
Partnerships Grants
We seek partnerships to provide effective and comprehensive services for military, veterans, and their families. With 30 years of academic service experience and an award winning grant writing team, we are a confident and capable partner.
* Eligibility depends on types of GI Bill and college enrollment status. Please contact us for details.
** Services offered through a third party grant while funding lasts. Please contact us for details.
Please contact Josh Earsley about our Military and Veterans Program
Direct Line: (714) 784-3430